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Lesson Plans Created by TeachNet Adaptor Grants
Goobers. Goobers? Goobers!
Name: Nancy Augello-Rastetter
School: PS 124-The Yung Wing Elementary School
Address: 40 Division Street
City: New York, NY, 10002
Original Project: Goobers. Goobers? Goobers!
Author: Elizabeth
URL: http://teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/miami/2005/linero2.htm

How did you modify this unit for use in your own classroom?: I modified this unit for ten 4th grade students as an after school club. Students chose to be in the club based on genuine interest in the topic. Our club’s mission included a commitment to studying all about the peanut! We were dedicated to having fun while learning. We composed a letter during our first meeting explaining our club’s mission and we reached out to others for support and/or supplies. We registered an e-mail address: nuts4nutsclub@yahoo.com. We sent paper copies of the letter and e-mailed copies of the letter to different organizations/companies including the National Peanut Board, Smuckers, and Peanut Butter & Co. (a sandwich shop here in NYC). We were successful! These are the three that responded to us. Smuckers sent 2 cases of JIF peanut butter and 15 bags of raw peanuts that are made to make JIF peanut butter at their Kentucky facility. We took this as an opportunity to make our very own homemade peanut butter! We also received peanut info guides and pamphlets from other peanut organizations. Peanut Butter & Co. were our biggest supporters! We started a correspondence with a representative from the sandwich shop-Ms. Maria Steinberg. We were sent the following from them: 14 jars of dark chocolate dreams peanut butter, 14 jars of crunch time peanut butter, 14 hats, 14 peanut growing starter kits, and 14 copies of their very own cookbook. This cookbook became a major influence in many of our sessions together. On some club days, we tested a recipe from the sandwich shop cookbook. Some recipes included 'Ants on a Log' and 'Fluffernutters'. I placed a major focus on peanut nutrition and peanut allergies. We visited several websites for information to help us learn. These included: www.nutnutrition.com, and www.kidshealth.org. We utilized two handouts sent to us by the National Peanut Board entitled: “Food Foes” and “The Big Triggers”. Another example of what we have done in our club includes a study of peanut anatomy. We have used magnifying lens, balances, scales, and our five senses while studying the peanut. In addition, we have learned to appreciate a most famous peanut wizard---George Washington Carver. I read aloud the book George Washington Carver: The Peanut Wizard by Laura Driscoll. Students visited the following websites: www.worldalmanacforkids.com, www.aboutinventors.com, and www.enchantedlearningaboutinventors.com. The students wanted to raise money so that we could go to Peanut Butter & Co. for a club luncheon. We arranged a raffle by deciding upon rules and whom we would target. We decided to sell raffle tickets to 4th grade students. The 1st prize was an amazing basket of peanut butter goodies and information about peanuts. The 2nd prize was an invitation to join our club one day to make homemade peanut butter with us. The 3rd prize was a jar of JIF peanut butter. In our correspondence with Peanut Butter & Co., we learned that the National Peanut Board was so impressed with the existence of our club that they wanted to arrange to send to us an actual peanut farmer from Virginia to talk to us about peanut farming during March which was National Peanut Month! Along with the owner of the company, Mr. Lee Zalben and Ms. Maria Steinberg, we planned a luncheon. We soon learned that their generosity was to continue. They paid to have our club go to their sandwich shop for lunch with the owner, the president of the National Peanut Board, and DeeDee Darden-an actual peanut farmer! What an amazing opportunity and experience for us all!

List your primary instructional objectives for your students.

  1. Students will learn about George Washington Carver as a peanut wizard and as a humanitarian. 2. Students will use technology to gather information on various topics related to the peanut.
  3. Students will learn about peanut nutrition and about nut allergies. 4.Students will develop computer literacy skills via e-mail communication and correspondence.
  5. Students will have an understanding of peanut agriculture. 6. Students will locate geographical locations of peanut producing states. 7.Students will discover how businesses work with the public.
  8. Students will study the peanut scientifically. 9.Students will experience firsthand genuine acts of generosity. 10.City students worldview will be broadened.

What role did technology play in this curriculum unit?: As stated under modifications, computer research played a large role in research and in communication with others. Without our e-mail account, we would not have developed a relationship with Peanut Butter & Co. Therefore, technology played a very important role. Web sites used for research include: www.worldalmanacforkids.com www.aboutinventors.com www.enchantedlearningaboutinventors.com

How did you assess and evaluate student performance?: I utilized informal and formal assessments. For example, after studying about the peanut producing states, I assessed by administering a quiz in which the students were to list these states. Informally, I assessed in many conversations and discussions with the students. The students took the opportunity to share all that they had learned with the owner of Peanut Butter & Co., the president of the National Peanut Board, and Dee Dee, the peanut farmer.

Please tell us briefly about your background & teaching experience: Ms. Augello-Rastetter is a teacher of 4th graders in a Talented and Gifted self-contained class at a school in Chinatown. She has been teaching for 7 years. She received her Master’s degree in Elementary Education from Hunter College.

What are your recommendations for other teachers interested in adapting this unit?: 1.Assess student’s interests and then plan your goals and activities. 2. Be dedicated to having fun while learning. 3. Start an afterschool club committed to learning about the peanut! 4. Make sure each student has a signed form expressing that they do not have a peanut allergy. 5. Eat lots of peanut butter! 6. If you are a teacher in NYC, plan a visit to Peanut Butter & Co. 7. Reach out to peanut organizations/companies.

Samples of Student Projects

  Students identified the major peanut producing states. They colored in each of those states on a U.S. map.
  Students went to menupages.com and printed the Peanut Butter & Co. menu. They then calculated the actual cost of the meal they desired to have at our impending luncheon.
  Students planned a raffle to raise money for our luncheon.,Students used a table to to graph their favorite peanuts.


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