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TeachNet Everywhere Grant: Trip Planner WebQuest

Project URL:


How it works:
My Trip Quest is a traditional research project that has incorporated technology to give students’ 21st century tools and induce a high level of excitement and involvement. This project is innovative because it breaks the traditional research, writing and presenting norms.

My goal in developing this Trip Quest was to introduce students to research and incorporate realism to raise their level of excitement and involvement. At the core of the Quest is a research paper focusing on a foreign country. Students are allowed to select the country they want to visit and research. I encourage them to chose a country that they have a connection to either through heritage, through a family visit or through previous knowledge about that country. The students are grouped into continent teams and have both group and individual responsibilities.

Standards addressed:  
Applying Educational Technologies - My Trip Quest exposes students to leading edge technology, and incorporates web research, word processing, spreadsheet and publishing to occur in a timely and spontaneous manner; Exploration and Use of Technology to Gain Knowledge - This project makes technology an integral part of the learning environment and offers students opportunities to both teach and learn in project-based assignments; Technology to Enhance Skills and Facilitate Learning - Students use a variety of software programs and are given the freedom to explore new tools, such as Inspiration software or PowerPoint; Applying Information Skills – Final projects show that students have a clear understanding of copyright laws, citing references, and understand the need to analyze web resources for credibility.

The students are evaluated on their research report and final presentation in a grading rubric that resides on the web site.

Students earn up to four points in each of the following categories:
Content - Report included 4 subjects: history, geography, culture and traditions; Format - A neat, complete report cover and table of contents was included; Intro and conclusion - An introduction and conclusion with included thesis statements; Accuracy - Report was neat, with accurate spelling and no mistakes; Bibliography - Accurate bibliography was produced with accurate citations; Sources - Identified and evaluated four different useful sources; Note cards/Organizer - Evidence of paraphrasing and organizing of subtopics with few errors; Cooperation - Contributed to the group and supported others; Homework - All work was completed on homework assignments; Project - A professional, creative and neat project was produced; Presentation - Student was prepared and professional during presentation; Budget - Budget included travel, food, lodging and sightseeing; Spreadsheet - A complete spreadsheet was produced; Sightseeing - A detailed two day schedule for sightseeing was included.

The learning from this unit is evident in subsequent research projects. Students understand Internet research, bibliographies, note taking and research writing. Students also quickly incorporate the many software programs in subsequent classroom projects and presentations.

Overall value:
The students were so excited about starting this program they pleaded to take on more work. They worked with the librarian in note taking and during the first writing workshop they didn’t want to stop writing their rough drafts. The budget portion of the project makes the students feel rich and they are fascinated with the power of Excel programming. Expository writing lessons have helped students complete well organized and interesting research topic paragraphs.
Although this program was designed for the computer, individual teachers can determine the extent in which they want to incorporate technology. A computer lab is the ideal setting for teaching the Trip Quest. A lab allows multiple students to research and work on their reports. The program can be introduced in a classroom with one presenting computer and students can rotate in centers. Each worksheet and handout is on the site and can be printed out. Students work with the hard copy of their spreadsheet to record the travel quotes they obtain. A travel agency could be a source on costs as well a newspaper or travel magazine.

Clare Taylor

About the teacher:
Clare Taylor is a 5th grade teacher at Louise Duffy Elementary School in West Hartford, Connecticut. Clare brings to teaching 10 years in broadcasting and 10 years of computer marketing. She has integrated technology into every subject and her students are motivated and excited about learning.


Subject Areas:     
Social Studies

Grade Levels: 
5th and above



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