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Teacher Grants: Humanities

Kohl's Corporation: Kohl's Kids Who Care Scholarships
The Kohl's Kids Who Care Program recognizes and rewards young volunteers who transform their communities for the better.
Maximum Award: $10,000 scholarship toward post-secondary education.
Eligibility: youth 6 to 18 years old, not graduated from high school by March 15, 2010.
Deadline: March 15, 2010.

American Historical Association: Beveridge Family Teaching Prize
The American Historical Association Beveridge Family Teaching Prize recognizes excellence and innovation in elementary, middle school, and secondary history teaching, including career contributions and specific initiatives.
Maximum Award: $1,500.
Eligibility: K-12 teachers in groups.
Deadline: March 15, 2010.

Zaner-Bloser: National Handwriting Contest
The 2010 Zaner-Bloser National Handwriting Contest encourages legible handwriting by testing the printing (or "manuscript") acumen of first and second graders and the cursive abilities of students in grades 2 through 8. Entries are judged on the Keys to Legibility: Shape, Slant, Spacing, and Size.
Maximum Award: recognition and a special prize package.
Eligibility: students grades 1-8 whose school uses Zaner-Bloser Handwriting curricula.
Deadline: March 15, 2010.

Hitachi Foundation: Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurs
The Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurs Program supports young entrepreneurs who have formed financially viable businesses that create jobs, supply goods or services, or use internal management practices enabling low-wealth individuals the opportunity to achieve greater economic security.
Maximum Award: $50,000 over two years, access to technical resources, and a peer learning community.
Eligibility: entrepreneurs ages 18-29 who are operating businesses that are 1-5 years old and have been generating revenue for a minimum of the last 12 months.
Deadline: March 22, 2010.

Montgomery County Poet Laureate Program: Sarah Mook Prize
The purpose of the Sarah Mook Memorial Poetry Contest is to acknowledge, encourage, and reward the efforts of student poets.
Maximum Award: $100.
Eligibility: students K-12.
Deadline: March 31, 2010.

Jenzabar Foundation: Student Leadership Awards
The Jenzabar Foundation Student Leadership Awards will honor 10 student-led campus groups or activities that have made a significant impact serving others through service and philanthropic activities beyond their own higher education institutions. This year, the awards will include a new Social Entrepreneur of the Year category, which will recognize one outstanding leader or organization committed to tackling social issues and promoting social entrepreneurship.
Deadline: March 31, 2010.

Libri Foundation: Books for Children
The Libri Foundation Books for Children Grants donate new, quality, hardcover children's books to small, rural, public libraries across the country.
Maximum Award: varies.
Eligibility: Libraries must be in a rural area, have a limited operating budget, and an active children's department. The average total operating budget of a Books for Children grant recipient must be less than $40,000.
Deadline: April 15, 2010.

Earth Island Institute: Youth Award for Outstanding Activism in Environmental and Social Justice
The Earth Island Institute Brower Youth Award recognizes young people for their outstanding activism and achievements in the fields of environmental and social justice advocacy.
Maximum Award: $3,000; a trip to San Francisco for the awards ceremony, October 19, 2010; and a wilderness camping trip.
Eligibility: youth activists ages 13-22.
Deadline: May 15, 2010.

National Endowment for the Arts: Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth
The NEA Learning in the Arts for Children and Youth program funds projects that help children and youth acquire appreciation, knowledge, and understanding of and skills in the arts. Projects must provide participatory learning and engagement of students with skilled artists, teachers, and excellent art, and ensure the application of national, state, or local arts education standards.
Maximum Award: $150,000.
Eligibility: school-based or community-based projects.
Deadline: June 10, 2010.

Driver's Edge: Driving Instruction for Teens
Driver's Edge empowers young drivers through a combination of classroom discussions and behind-the-wheel defensive driving instruction to erase the "Fast and the Furious" and video-game mentality that many of today's young drivers have and that has skyrocketed automobile fatalities. The program is free.
Eligibility: students between the ages of 15 and 21 who have a learner's permit or driver's license.
Deadline: see tour schedule for relevant dates.

The Guitar Center Music Foundation's mission is to aid nonprofit music programs across America that offer music instruction so that more people can experience the joys of making music.
Maximum Awa


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