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Teacher Grants: Mathematics

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching recognize highly qualified teachers for their contributions in the classroom and to their profession.
Maximum Award: $10,000; a paid trip for two to Washington, D.C. to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities; a citation signed by the President of the United States.
Eligibility: teachers grades K-6 in a public or private school with five years' experience teaching math or science.
Deadline: April 1, 2010.

MIT: Lemelson-MIT 2011 InvenTeams
Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams foster inventiveness among high school students. InvenTeams composed of high school students, teachers, and mentors are asked to collaboratively identify a problem that they want to solve, research the problem, and then develop a prototype invention as an in-class or extracurricular project.
Maximum Award: $10,000.
Eligibility: high school science, mathematics and technology teachers—or teams of teachers—at public, private and vocational schools; intra- and inter-school collaborations welcome.
Deadline: April 25, 2010.

NABT: Vernier Software & Technology Ecology/Environmental Teaching Award
The National Association of Biology Teachers Vernier Software & Technology Ecology/Environmental Teaching Award will be given to a secondary school teacher who has successfully developed and demonstrated an innovative approach in the teaching of ecology/environmental science and has carried his/her commitment to the environment into the community.
Maximum Award: $1,000 toward travel to the Professional Development Conference, and $500 of Vernier equipment. The recipient also receives a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and a one-year complimentary NABT membership.
Eligibility: secondary school teachers.
Deadline: May 7, 2010.

Actuarial Foundation: Advancing Student Achievement Grants
The Actuarial Foundation Advancing Student Achievement grant program brings together actuaries and educators in local classrooms with the belief that interaction with real-world mentors will boost student interest and achievement in math. The Actuarial Foundation can provide a local network of actuaries ready to participate, as well as suggestions on how to integrate math concepts from the workplace into the classroom. Schools applying for grants will be given wide latitude in designing programs that enhance learning and create a "love of math" in each student.
Maximum Award: varies.
Eligibility: All schools willing to undertake a math-mentoring program involving local actuaries as volunteers are eligible. However, in order for a program to be viable, there must be a sufficient population of volunteer actuaries within easy traveling distance to make a regular program possible.
Deadline: None, but applications should be received at least one or two months prior to proposed start date.

Awards for Excellence in Educating Students About Math, Science, Technology & Engineering
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation Classroom Grants are awarded to encourage excellence in educating students about math, science, technology, and engineering. Eligibility: current AIAA Educator Associate or AIAA Professional members actively engaged as K-12 classroom educators.
Maximum Award: $200.
Deadline: N/A.

Grants for Math Mentoring Programs Using Actuaries
The Actuarial Foundation Advancing Student Achievement Mentoring Program awards grants to schools and groups to develop a viable mentoring program involving actuaries in the teaching of mathematics to children in private and public schools. Collaboration among school systems, local actuarial clubs, corporations and other stakeholders in education is encouraged in order to enhance the chances of success, particularly on a long-term basis.
Maximum Award: $30,000.
Eligibility: All schools and groups willing to undertake a math mentoring program that involves local actuaries as volunteers.
Deadline: N/A.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation Classroom Grants are awarded to encourage excellence in educating students about math, science, technology, and engineering.
Eligibility: current AIAA Educator Associate or AIAA Professional members actively engaged as K-12 classroom educators.
Maximum Award: $200.
Deadline: N/A.

The Actuarial Foundation - through its Advancing Student Achievement program - awards monetary grants to schools and groups throughout the United States and Canada. The basic requirement for schools or groups seeking funding is that they develop a viable mentoring program involving actuaries in the teaching of mathematics to children in private and public schools.
No deadlines

Dow Awards--by the Dow Chemical Company--awards grants to support proposed initiatives concentrating on math and science, teacher training, and parental invo


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