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NYC Helpline: How To: Implement Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment

How to Implement the New Math Standards, Part III
by Arlyne LeSchack

Helping all students become proficient in mathematics is the goal for every school. In this article, I will review the content strands as well as the bands within the content strand, and the performance indicators (i.e., exactly what each student should be able to do) within each strand.
How to Implement the New Math Standards, Part I

How to Implement the New Math Standards, Part II

How to Implement the New Math Standards, Part III

How to Implement the New Math Standards, Part IV

The first content strand is Number Sense and Operations. The bands within that content strand are: Number Systems, Number Theory, Operations and Estimation.

Performance standards:

  • Students will be able to understand numbers multiple ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers and number systems
  • Students will be able to understand the meanings of operations and procedures and how they relate to one another.
  • Students will be able to compute accurately and make reasonable estimates.

The second content strand is the alegbra strand. The bands within that strand are variables and expressions, equations and inequalities, patterns, relationships and functions, coordinate geometry and trigonometric functions.

Performance standards:

  • Students will be able to represent and analyze algebraically a wide variety of problems solving situations
  • Students will be able to perform algebraic procedures accurately and recognize, use and represent algebraically patterns, relations and functions.

The third content strand is the geometry strand. The bands within this content strand are shapes, geometric relationships, transformational geometry, coordinate geometry, constructions, locus, informal proofs and formal proofs.

Performance standards:

  • Students will use visualization and spatial reasoning to analyze characteristics and properties of geometric shapes
  • Students will identify and justify geometric relationships formally and informally
  • Sstudents will apply transformations and symmetry to analyze problem solving situations,
    students will apply coordinate geometry to analyze problem solving situations

The fourth content strand is measurement. The bands within that strand are units of measurement, tools and methods, units, error and magnitude and estimation.

Performance standards:

  • Students will determine what can be measured and how using appropriate methods and formulas
  • Students will use units to give meaning to measurements
  • Students will understand that all measurement contains error and be able to determine its significance and develop strategies for estimating measurements.

The fifth content strand is statistics and probability. The bands within the strand are the collection of data, the organization and display of data, the analysis of data, making predictions from data and probability.

Performance standards:

  • Students will be able to collect, organize, display and analyze data
  • Students will be able to make predictions that are based on data analysis
  • Students will understand and apply the concepts of probability

In the final article of this series I will discuss the performance standards for the five process strands. In the meantime if you have any questions about implementing the new mathematics standards, please contact me at aleschack@aol.com.


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