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Lesson Plan: Breads Around the World 
Tobey Cho Bassoff

To involve students directly with bread, and the identification and differentiation of breads from around the world.

Students will identify breads from different countries.

Prerequisite Behavior
A general knowledge of different types of bread from around the world.

Classroom Environment/Materials
Students will be seated on the rug until they are ready to investigate the different types of breads. They will then work in teams of two at each station to try and figure out the country of origin for each bread sample using their five senses.

6 different kinds of breads, dry erase board, pencils, journals, labels, bread recording log, and pens.

Outline of the Lesson

I. Introduction to the Lesson - (10 minutes)

  • Reread Bread, Bread, Bread by Ann Morris. Remind students that bread comes from all over the world.
  • Display six breads on a tray. (Essential piece for ESL students). Each bread will be labeled with "name of bread" and "country" from which each bread originated. Have the students read each label and identify the country on the globe.

II. Presentation of Lesson - (10 minutes)

  • Explain to students that there will be samples of each bread on a tray. Each sample is numbered 1-6. They must figure out which bread is which by recording their differences. (Model) Ask students how are they going to tell the difference between each bread? (taste, touch, smell, feel, sound - Connect the students to the experience)
  • Show the students the recording sheet and tell them to raise their hand when finished. Students will be divided into six small groups of two. They will work cooperatively to identify the breads. Tell students to do journal writing when the sampling is complete.
  • Students will record their answers on the recording sheet.
  • Students will then return to whole class meeting area to share answers on the dry erase board.

III. Exploration of Lesson - Cooperative Learning Element (15 minutes)

  • Students will break up into pairs and investigate
  • Students who are done will be asked to clean up their stations and get their journals and record their results in their journals using complete sentences.

IV. Conclusion of Lesson - (10 minutes)

  • Students will come back to the meeting area for a dialogue about the bread tasting. What bread was #1? Why did you think that? Who agrees with John? Why? Would you change your answer? What did you say it tasted like? etc.
  • Share with the students what each bread was and the name of the country from where it came?

V. Extension

  • Students will sample each bread and record likes and dislikes.
  • Students will record in their journals about bread sampling
  • Students will attempt to identify the steps of the scientific method.

I will use the students' ability to identify the breads by name and country of origin on the recording sheet at the conclusion of the lesson. I will also monitor their ability to connect bread differences (taste, touch, see, smell, hear) through their descriptions in the recording sheet. In future activities I will see if they apply the knowledge they learned in this activity to further investigations.

I will use the students' feedback to guide my critique of both the lesson and my instructions. Results will be noted in my student teaching journal. Furthermore, I will evaluate my students' success on their ability to identify new breads in a future lesson based on the inquiry skills they learned in this lesson.

Click here to see an entire unit based on "Breads Around the World."

Click here to see the process behind designing  a five lesson curriculum.

Questions or comments? E-mail Tobey.


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