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How It Works: 

This world is becoming over populated in order to make room for more than one billion people. Forests are being cut down to fill wild areas with homes and businesses. Whole ecosystems are being destroyed and many animals are becoming extinct. Many people don't give our environmental problems such as global warming any thought but that doesn't mean that it's not happening. We need to remember what happened on 9-11-01 in New York City. Just because you think there is no problem doesn't make it true.. Educating our youth on environmental issues and holding them accountable for their future will help the continuance of the care for our earth.

911 is an interactive unit that investigates what is happening in our environment and how it is affecting us worldwide. The purpose is to develop strategies for implementing a student-centered approach through hands-on activities in which reading, writing, science and technology are integrated. Methods include searching web sites to get information and create multimedia projects to inform audiences regarding our environment. Also use ecology related software, investigating on-line interactive ecology sites and communicating between epals and government organizations. In the area of language arts, students research various aspects of our ecological problems and write expository pieces to inform different audiences such as schoolmates, parents and epals. Also they will write persuasive letters to government organizations and stories to help them reflect on what they can do to help. In the area of science, students investigate and collect data from web sites about what is happening in our environment and around the world. They will learn about the food web and how pollution is affecting the chain. They will make daily pollution observations and climate changes throughout the years and conduct ecological experiments and show their findings by creating tables and charts. Finally in the social studies, students share solutions to the problems and try to implement them as well.


LANGUAGE ARTS: The student, reads informational texts for specific purposes and uses a variety of strategies to comprehend text. Develops vocabulary, and summarizes information. . Uses strategies to support ideas in writing and uses all phases of the writing process and conventions effectively.. Listens for information and uses strategies to contribute to group conversations, discussions and oral presentations effectively. 

SCIENCE: The Student understands that there are many different kinds of living things that live in a variety of environments and live interdependently on each other for survival.. Knows that the activities of humans affect plants and animals in many ways.. Knows that people use scientific processes including hypothesis, making inferences, and recording and communicating data when exploring the natural world. 

SOCIAL STUDIES: The Student describes environmental problems in the local community and collects information on and propose solutions to environmental problems.. Demonstrate the importance of being an active member of the community (recycling, volunteering, community service).. State the importance of cooperation in human relationships. 

TECHNOLOGY AWARENESS. Students will use technology to enhance their research, create maps, fill-in data sheets, and import pictures to illustrate. MATH. The student understands and uses the tools of data analysis for managing information. And displays solutions to problems by generating, collecting, organizing, and analyzing data using simple graphs and charts.

Estimated Class Periods To Complete:  10 or more

Software Materials Used: 

Students should have access to the Internet, which will be their main source of information. Software needed to complete multimedia presentations includes Hyper Studio, PowerPoint or Kid Pix. Publishing can be done through any word processing software such as ClarisWorks, The Learning Company or any other writing software. Also, Encarta Encyclopedia for kids or any ecology related software.  


ecology, biome, food web, interdependent, pollution, global warming, recycling, endangered species, acid rain, plants, animals, human activity

Students:  Student population suitable for this project includes students in grades two through fifth. Students need to have basic skills in reading, writing and computer basics. Students complete group projects as well as individual ones.

Overall:  Student population suitable for this project includes students in grades two through fifth. Students need to have basic skills in reading, writing and computer basics. Students complete group projects as well as individual ones

Tips:  Create the outcome of what you want to student to produce as a sample so that they know what their goal is. The unit has samples you can copy. Also, let them know what is the rubric so they know what to work for. Make available as many resources as you can on the topic for those days when the internet may be down.

About the Teacher: Elizabeth Linero is a graduate of Florida International University and has been teaching in Miami-Dade County Public Schools since 1998. She has worked as a volunteer leader for the 4-H Club for the past four years. Having fifteen years of experience in the corporate world has made it easy for Elizabeth to incorporate technology into the classroom. Elizabeth is creative and effective in using hands-on techniques. As an active participant of Citibank FamilyTech program, Elizabeth has provided opportunities for her students to be involved in technology and has been awarded a few grants to implement in her class.

Subjects:  Science and English

Grade Levels:  2 through 5


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