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Elements 'R' Us

Project URL: www.teachersnetwork.org/TeachNet/

How it works:
This Web Quest is designed to increase student ability in using the periodic table of elements. The students become interested in the subject matter while learning valuable information about many of the specific elements. Each student gathers information about an element of his/her choice and then shares what he/she has learned with their group. The group then creates a small class presentation using either posters and handouts or Microsoft PowerPoint. All information about the periodic table and the elements is gathered online using the supplied resource sites.

Standards addressed:  
Students access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies; understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment; and recognize the historical development of ideas in science. They listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding; collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.

Materials used: 
Computers with Internet access and presentation software (Microsoft PowerPoint) are used, along with a large monitor or LCD projector.

The students:
Elements 'R' Us is designed for sixth grade classes but can be modified for most grade levels studying chemistry and the periodic table of elements. Students should have a working knowledge of computers and Internet use, and PowerPoint.

Overall value:
The use of the Internet motivates students to learn about and become interested in the periodic table of elements and its importance. They develop their technical skills while learning about science and attaining a new-found respect for the subject.

Do a thorough introduction on how the periodic table works prior to the unit.

About the teacher:
Gregory J. Mikesh is a sixth grade teacher at Felix V. Festa Middle School in West Nyack, New York, and has been teaching  language arts, math, and science there for the past five years. He is a member of the building technology team and has created numerous websites, data-based questions, and other Internet activities for use with his classes. He recently received his master's degree in Instructional Technology, continues to take courses centered on utilizing technology in the classroom, and incorporates it into many of his lessons. 


Subject Areas: 

Grade Levels: 


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