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TeachNet NYC: Lesson Plans

Manga Mania

Project URL:

How it works:
Manga (pronounced "ma-n-ga") are Japanese graphic works that are somewhat similar to American comic books, although they go far beyond the boundaries of what Americans understand as "comics" or "cartoons." Usually produced in black and white, they are much longer than American comics and can cover a wide variety of topics--serious or humorous, factual or fantastic. Manga are extremely popular in Japan, but their influence on younger generations is relatively unnoticed in America. They provide a unique and valuable insight into Japanese society in a format that holds a great deal of interest for students, and their popularity in both Japan and America continues to increase. Students create a word web on the word "manga"  through Internet research, which contains a vast array of information on the topic. As students do research and complete their word web, along with a classification chart, quiz, and crossword puzzle, they learn to respect the artistic value of manga and see their influence not only on Japanese society, but throughout the world.

Standards addressed:  
Students understand major global trends since World War II and long-term changes and recurring patterns in world history. They gather and use information for research purposes, understand and apply basic principles of logic and reasoning, and effectively uses mental processes that are based on identifying similarities and differences in the work they study.

Materials used: 
Required materials include computers with Internet access and word processing and diagramming software.

The students:
This program was originally designed for middle school students, but can also be used with high school students as well.

Overall value:
Manga Mania takes one of the most popular student entertainments and converts it into a serious course of study without students even knowing it. Through a balance of student interactivity, technology, and solid content, this is a program students as well as teachers will enjoy.

This program is best used as a complement to a study on Japan and Japanese culture.

About the teacher:
Anthony Salcedo is laptop coordinator at the Mott Hall School, the first inner city public school to start a laptop program. He was a keynote speaker at the Microsoft Laptop Summit 2000, has presented at other
technology conferences around the country, and has received recognition from two superintendents for his achievements. Anthony is also a
certified NFTE instructor and has worked as a translator in the
Caribbean for a division of the United Nations. He has worked as an adjunct professor for NYU and Mercy College and is in his eleventh year of teaching in the New York City public school system.


Subject Areas: 
Social Studies

Grade Levels: 



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