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TeachNet NYC: Lesson Plans

Write A Winning Resume!

Project URL: http://teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/westside/FLASH/curriculumvitae.swf

How it works:
Write A Winning Resume! is a beginning-to-intermediate HTML program for students of all levels who are 16 or older that encourages beginning technical writing. Students write a resume in HTML using tables, and the end product is a work that can be published on the Internet. When a student sees their work online, they become motivated to create a quality product. In addition, the students create a handbook giving step-by-step instruction on how to find a job online.

Standards addressed:  
Students produce an electronic text relating to their own life allowing for creative and artistic expression. Working cooperatively and publishing their work allows for social interaction. This is a great technological system to communicate to potential employees about themselves.

Materials used:
Required materials include a computer with Internet connection and a simple word processing program such as SimpleText or Word Pad.
If teachers wish to publish their students' writings, they will need a server to send the work to, which should be provided by their district or superintendency;  or they can publish it on some free space such as Yahoo.com.

The students: 
Students, over 16, of all abilities need a resume, so this is a practical project for them.  It will teach intermediate HTML code and improve their writing skills.

Overall value: 
The best feature of Write A Winning Resume!, besides the technical and English aspects, is that all students can use a resume, so it is something that is immediately useful to them in their personal lives.

Show the students how to apply color to their web page. It helps to write the basic code they will need on the board for student to refer to it as needed. A projector connected to the computer is very helpful to demonstrate opening, saving and viewing the web page. Encourage students to help each other.

About the teacher:
Laura Anderson teaches Web Design and Computer Math in an alternative high school in New York City. She is a certified math teacher who has been teaching for 17 years and has found the computer to be a very effective learning tool. Her classroom is a computer lab.

E-mail: landers3@nycteach.net

Subject Areas: 

Grade Levels: 



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