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TeachNet NYC: Lesson Plans

What type of home do you live in?

Project URL: http://teachersnetwork.org/teachnet-lab/ps101/mcquade/homes.htm

The purpose of this lesson is to expose children to vocabulary and literature related to homes, and to develop pride in being able to draw and describe houses by hand and on the computer. Another goal is to develop mastery in usage of this vocabulary related to their every day experiences.

How it works:
Teacher steps:
1. Locate web sites related to homes and dictionary pages.
2. Create a semantic web for houses.
3. Prepare a KWL chart to see what students would like to learn about houses.
4. Prepare pictures of dwellings.
5. Obtain list of student addresses from school office.
6. Create sample drawing of home on Kidpix.
7. Obtain visuals from Magnetic Way related to furniture in a bedroom.
8. Construct a Venn Diagram to compare Morty's bedroom and the students' bedrooms.
9. Write finger play, "Here Is A House" on a large chart.
10. Use students pictures to make a "house graph."

Student Steps:
1. Students will state what they would like to learn about houses for KWL chart.
2. Draw pictures with crayons and with Kidpix of their own homes and write address on the picture.
3. Read address to partner.
4. Describe their house using vocabulary as displayed on word wall.
5. Make an address plate for their front doors.
6. Repeat, in group and individually, vocabulary for furniture in a bedroom.
7. Use Kidpix to find, draw, and print pictures of bedroom furniture.
8. Students will predict outcomes in the book This Is The Place For Me and compare predictions to what actually happened in book.
8. Identify similarities between their bedrooms and Morty's bedroom.
9. Recite finger play, "Here Is A House."

1. Read write, listen and speak for information and understanding.

2. Interpret information represented in pictures illustrations, and simple charts and webs.

3. Use a picture dictionary as a resource for vocabulary.

4. Point to words in a text on a chart when read aloud, matching spoken word to print.

5. Use computer software to support early reading development and early writing skills.

6. Create a drawing, picture, sign, or other graphic to represent a word or concept.

7. Use classroom resource (word walls, picture dictionaries, teacher, peer) to support the writing process.

8. Take turns speaking in a group.

9. Correct the pronunciation of words by using classroom resources, such as teachers, peers, audio/and video tapes, and computer software.

Students will be evaluated on their ability to draw and label the furniture in their own bedroom, and be able to recite and write their own address.

Software materials used:
Kidpix, by Broderbund


Tips for teachers:
A follow up lesson would include the introduction of vocabulary for furniture in other rooms of the house, and exploration of different types of homes.


Margaret McQuade has been teaching since 1970, first in a private elementary school and since 1984 in the New York City public school system. She has taught grades K-8, early childhood reading, and early childhood English as a second language.

Estimated Class Periods To Complete: 5

Subject: ESL Social Studies

Beginning Grade Level: K

Ending Grade Level: 5




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