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TNLI: Cases: "I Hate School"

What happens to one child in a school putting all of its energy on an “improvement program” in response to NCLB mandates? This case raises major issues, including: balancing rote test preparation versus subject matter instruction, how to measure student progress that goes beyond standardized testing, and increased drop-out rates. At the heart of this case is the purpose of school and how to ensure that all students receive the best possible education.

Discussion Questions
  1. How can the goals of differentiated instruction be realized without excluding the “leveled” student from opportunities and role models being offered in the other groups?
  2. How can the resources of the school be preserved and yet materials made available to students whose lifestyle and support systems make it difficult for them to prevent loss of those materials?
  3. Does the  leveling of reading groups limit access to quality role models?
  4. Does the increased emphasis of rote, scripted programs necessary for intensive test preparation limit access to the creative, enriched experience of literature and the higher level thinking and discussion opportunities they provide?
  5. Is fluency measured by speed?  How does comprehension of new ideas differ from comprehension of text or number patterns seen repeatedly?
  6. How does the fragmentation of a student’s day, even for tutorial experiences, affect self-esteem and the overall affective experience of the child’s school day?
  7. If increased numbers  of parents of high achieving readers react to the “school of choice” sanctions by removing their children, what will the effect of fewer reading role models have on students and overall school  performance?
  8. Has the emphasis on standardized testing increased the drop-out rate?

View the PDF

Oranne Lee

TNLI Affiliate:
Santa Barbara County (CA)

If you would like to learn more about Teachers Network Leadership Institute, please e-mail Kimberly Johnson for more information.


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